We're so sorry to hear you’re having issues with your atomizer. I’ve included below some common remedies for fixing this if these fail to work I’d be happy to have a new atomizer shipped out for you ASAP! 

  • On first spray you may need to press down 5-6 times in order to get an initial spray on your bottle. This is common and is because the bottle has not yet been sprayed yet. 
  •  All of our bottle are screw top so that you can conveniently decant or fix any issues with your atomizer. If you are experiencing issues try unscrewing the top and screwing this back on. Once properly screwed and secured attempt to spray 3-4 times once again. 
  • On newer bottles after initial sprays the liquid may get displaced from its dip tube. Attempt to press down on your atomizer 5-6 times once again. 

If these issues fail to solve your atomizer please contact us and let us know and a new atomizer will be shipped out immediately!